This Excel Power Query from workbook (single data source) example helps you:
- Import a single data source from a workbook with Power Query (Get & Transform); and
- Load the imported data to an Excel Table in a new worksheet.

Table of Contents
Excel Power Query from Workbook (Single Data Source) Process
(1) Go to Ribbon > Data > Get Data > From File > From Excel Workbook.
Power Query displays the Import Data dialog box.
(2) Do the following in the Import Data dialog box:
- Browse to the folder where the workbook with the source data is stored.
- Double-click the workbook.
Power Query displays the Navigator dialog box.
(3) Do the following in the Navigator dialog box:
- Select the data source (left of the dialog box).
- Click Load (bottom right of the dialog box).
Excel Power Query from Workbook (Single Data Source) Example
I do the following to:
- Import a single data source (the data stored in Sheet1) from a workbook named “Workbook Single Data Source by PowerSpreadsheets dot com.xlsx” stored in the “PowerSpreadsheets dot com” folder; and
- Load the imported data to an Excel Table in a new worksheet.
(1) Go to Ribbon > Data > Get Data > From File > From Excel Workbook.
(2) Double-click the “Workbook Single Data Source by PowerSpreadsheets dot com.xlsx” workbook.
(3) Select Sheet1.
(4) Click Load.
The GIF at the top of this post shows:
- This process; and
- The results I obtain.
Excel Power Query from Workbook (Single Data Source) Explanation
Power Query (Get & Transform) allows you to import data into Excel.
You can:
- Connect Power Query to different data sources, including Excel workbooks.
- Specify where and how Power Query loads the imported data.
The process I describe above works with Power Query's default data-loading settings. When you import data from a single data source in an Excel workbook, Power Query loads the imported data (by default) to an Excel Table in a new worksheet.
More Excel Power Query (Get & Transform) Training Materials and Resources
You can find more Excel Tutorials (including other Power Query examples) in the organized Tutorials Archive: Click here to visit the Archives.
If you want to learn how to work with Power Query, you may be interested in the following books (affiliate links):
- M is for (Data) Monkey: Click here to get this book.
- Power Query for Power BI and Excel: Click here to get this book.
- Master your Data with Power Query in Excel and Power BI: Click here to get this book.
- Collect, Combine, and Transform Data Using Power Query in Excel and Power BI: Click here to get this book.